Traditional Wellness
for Modern Life



Go With the Flow of Give and Take

Are you comfortable asking for a favour?
Can you graciously accept someone’s offer to help?

Several years ago, my first instinct was to decline.


Are you getting a good night’s sleep?

As Matt Walker says in his TED Talk on sleep, “you’ve never been told to stay awake on a problem, but instead you are told to sleep on a problem.” Reiki is your key to falling into a meditative, sleepy state without really making an effort. Read on…

Shows Nasreen at Reiki session
Reiki 101

Your First Reiki Session: What to Expect

Your healer connects with Reiki. You feel her gently place her hand on your eyes, then your ears, your head. Next you feel nothing — that’s because your healer’s hands aren’t touching you at all. They are simply floating over areas of your body in need of healing. Read on…


Reiki Apps for Self-Healing

Self-healing requires daily practice, where you rest your hands on specific parts of your body for a specified amount of time. But how are you going to keep time? With an app, of course! Want access to a Master Healer’s recommendations? Read on…


Music for Healing: My Reiki Playlist

The music that accompanies a Reiki session encourages deep relaxation. It should be pleasant enough to capture a client’s attention, but shouldn’t shift their focus away from the present moment. Want access to a Reiki Master’s playlist? Read on…


Reiki with Kids

Reiki gives our children the tools they need to manage their difficult emotions, and gain a bit of comfort and much-needed calm. The best part? Kids are often better at Reiki than adults since they don’t tend to overthink things the way we do. Read on…

Reiki 101

Virtual Reiki: How does it work?

Believe it or not, distance healing or distance Reiki is a phenomenon that’s been around for over 100 years. But seeing that Reiki is “the energy of the universe” — meaning it is around us and within us — maybe this shouldn’t be so surprising. Read on…


What is Reiki?

Imagine waking up fresh and rested. You’re on your way to having yet another day where everything is going just the way it should. You are full of confidence, and feel like you can accomplish anything you want — because you have all the energy you need. This is Reiki. Read on…

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Nasreen’s motto is, Me first, then everyone else! Selfish? Nope. She knows how important it is to fill your cup first. It is only then that you are able to truly help others.



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